* Governments of 200 countries are conspiring to initiate a global hyperinflation event on July 21, 2025. This plan aims to devalue all currencies by two digits (reducing 8 billion people’s wealth to just 1% of its current value) as an alternative to asset confiscation.
* If the currency depreciates, there is no way out, so without exception, Your wealth will also be reduced to just 1% on July 21. Only 200 governments will remain in their high positions, while the 8 billion people worldwide will be brought down by two digits.
* Using “criminal profiling investigation” techniques, I have uncovered this plan, and this is my largest alerts to friends around the world in 9 languages. This is not an ordinary article. In just one day, the wealth of 8 billion people will be reduced to 1%. It is my valuable leak about political policies for next year. Please take it seriously. To help you avoid despair, I have included “defense measures” and “government deterrence strategies” at the end of the article.

The global debt is $307 trillion as of the end of June 2023. This is 3.3 times the size of global GDP, meaning that repayment is now impossible. Moreover, every year the debt increases by +24.5%, which is $48.3 trillion — or $4 trillion per month. Anyone can see that this is unmanageable. The breakdown of global debt (100%) is as follows: governments (51%), financial institutions (22%), corporations (26%), and households (1%). Even if we confiscate 27% from households and corporations, it would still not be enough. Therefore, the 200 governments have come up with a solution: to reduce the planet’s value by two digits. This policy, when expressed positively, can be explained as follows: if left unchecked, hyperinflation will start, so before the real thing begins, they create an artificial hyperinflation to minimize the damage. (The real version would involve years of high inflation and suffering.) they are shortening this to three weeks. (The real version would see currency values drop by 5 or even 6 digits,) but they are limiting it to two digits. This is a strategy for an artificial hyperinflation.
The Fundamental Premise: Repaying the global debt through conventional means is impossible. There is no way to repay it except by devaluing the 200 currencies by two digits, which is why the 200 governments are planning to carry out this “childish act.” Please understand this. Those unfamiliar with global debt will mistake this article for crazy. They don’t do this if they can pay it back. 200 government is willing to make the whole world two orders of magnitude cheaper because they can’t pay it back. This policy is a must. If the debt is not repaid, the end result will be that everyone will be poor, and rightfully so.
Specific Method: The government says a “solar flare has caused a power outage” and plans to halt global trade, causing hyperinflation and devaluing all 200 currencies by double digits. (This is different from a typical national bankruptcy.) Since it will be a global event, there will be no escape. As a result, the only wealthy people on Earth will be the 200 governments. The remaining 8 billion people will be impoverished, and the outcome will be that we will only have 1% of the wealth we held the previous month. It is almost certain that the devaluation will be two digits, and the result will be that only 1% of our savings from the previous month will remain.
Now that the preliminary explanation is complete, we move on to the reality. The “solar flare” that the culprit had repeatedly predicted since 2020 has finally been declared by NASA. On October 16, 2024, NASA announced,”We are declaring the solar maximum period. Let’s remain cautious about the Sun for the next year.”
This is real. They really declared it. They are truly determined to carry out the solar flare, and from this day, my criminal investigation began.
=Predicting the crime in 2025=
*This date is a guess. However, it is the most favorable date for the 200 governments, and is a date that cannot be changed. However, I found out about it and it is widely known, so please be careful about bringing it forward. The fatal blow will occur on July 20, but in order to add credibility, the 200 governments are planning to stage a light solar flare (performance) in May and June as a prelude.
↓ May and June… The prelude solar flare. There will be no major damage, just minor power outages, so there is likely no cause for concern.
↓ Around July 18… One or two days before the fatal solar flare, NASA will issue a warning to the world: “A strong solar flare has occurred. The estimated arrival time to Earth is around XX:XX.” News outlets will start making a big fuss.
↓ July 20 (Sunday), 21, early morning at 6:00 am. All countries uniformly start around 06:00 early in the morning when the sun rises. The power goes out from Kiribati (the earliest country), → Japan & other Asia → India & other Central Asia → Middle Eastern countries → EU countries → U.S. East Coast → U.S. West Coast. All countries will start early in the morning of July 20, around 06:00. (For example, the TV station in Los Angeles made a big fuss saying, “We can’t get the live TV feed from Asia. → The live TV from the EU were interrupted → The live TV can’t be received from New York) 24 hours later, the entire United States will be without power.
*The reasoning for the fateful day being July 20 is in the comment section below.*The start time rationale is also in the comment section.
↓ With the assumption that “intense radiation and electromagnetic waves from the solar flare was coming,” the 200 governments will begin their performance, causing power outages, internet disruptions, and mobile phone blackouts in various locations. During this time, they will delete data from several banks and government systems. Just by deleting this data, the banks that lose their integrity will be paralyzed. While the solar flare is a lie, the act of deleting data is real, and within minutes, banks worldwide will shut down. The same will happen to stock market websites. Naturally, global trade will also come to a halt. This is the day the global panic will begin.
↓ July 20 in same evening… The power outage was quickly restored. (It’s a play, so it can happen at any time.) It was restored before sunset. The downed bank will be back up and running the next day. Banks will reopen and ATMs will be back in operation. While the balances will remain the same and the situation will seem fine, a global hyperinflation will begin, leading to a devaluation of currencies. All 200 currencies and financial markets will experience an infinite plunge, and the charts will fall to the ground. Eventually, all 200 currencies worldwide will devalue by two digits. *Since this happens simultaneously, it will be hard to notice in currency exchanges or when compared to the US dollar, but the reality of a two-digit devaluation of own currencies will be clearly visible in the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) charts from the World Bank, OECD and IMF.
↓ July 21… As a currency crisis occurs, the IMF will intervene in the governments of the 200 countries from the day of the solar flare and enforce its authority. The 200 countries will come under the IMF’s control and will effectively lose their sovereignty.
= World wide hyperinflation (from July 21 to August 10) =
The reason the period is from July 21 to August 10 is in the comment section below.
A global hyperinflation has occurred, and all 200 currencies have devalued. In the end, they will lose two digits. This means that the value of assets around the world will decrease by a factor of 100. Since the solar flare on July 20, global trade has been disrupted, and prices have surged two or three times. Nothing other than essential goods will sell. It will be three weeks of global panic. But don’t panic. In the end, the price hikes, which have risen 100 times (two digits), will end on August 11 under an IMF-led operation. This is a performance.
= Great Reset (from August 11 to August 18) =
The reason the period is from August 11 to August 18 is in the comment section below.
The IMF, which has taken control of the 200 countries, will propose measures to stop the currency collapse:
(1) We, the IMF, will order a global ban on all transactions for one week, from August 11 to August 18.
(2) The IMF will restore the disrupted currency values to their original state. (This is a common measure across all countries, which is a -2 digit adjustment.)
(3) IMF: “The most dangerous issue is government debt. The 200 governments must repay their debts. Repay 100% of the national bonds, including those before maturity. (Normally, IMF dislikes such actions—unlimited printing—but now it will be allowed. Print extensively and repay 100% of the national debt.)”
*Do you understand now? By repaying the national debt at this “rock-bottom value” after the currency has fallen by two digits, the 200 governments will be able to repay their debts at just 1/100 of the original amount. This is the goal. This is what the 200 governments have been eager to achieve. They conspired to stage the solar flare performance with this sole purpose in mind. Of course, the IMF is also part of this same “theater group.” But once the governments’ debts are erased, the economy will improve, which is certainly a good thing.
(4) Forgive inter-government debts. Governments should also forgive domestic debts. By deleting these debt claim data (the amount of currency), it is possible to offset the amount of currency that was unnecessarily printed for debt repayment.
= IMF’s Request to Global Citizens =
(5) A global ban on all buying and selling will be enforced for one week (from August 11 to August 18). If no transactions occur, hyperinflation will stop immediately.
IMF: “All 200 currencies around the world have dropped by two digits simultaneously. Oil-producing countries have also dropped by two digits, and even the United States has fallen by two digits. There are no high-value countries left. The world is now equal. Everyone has lost 99% of their wealth; you now only have 1% of the savings you had last month. No one can afford to buy anything. So…”
(6) “Going forward, reduce the prices of goods to two digits lower, and also reduce the salaries to two digits lower. Even current goods should have their price tags rewritten to reflect a two-digit decrease. Let’s all continue living at two-digit lower prices.”
IMF: “This is the IMF’s global unified guideline. Following this, the 200 countries have also enacted new laws. If you do not accept this proposal, the 100-fold price increase will continue in the future. No one desires that. Whether you agree or are dissatisfied, the reality is that no one in the world has money. Even if you want to sell at a 2-digit higher price, the truth is no one can buy it. Please understand.”
After the Great Reset (August 18), prices around the world will drop by two digits. Electricity bills, gas bills, water rates, and even expensive housing and automobiles will all drop by two digits. During the Great Reset period, automatic payments from bank accounts such as electricity, gas, water, and loans will be reduced by two digits globally by the government. While it is fortunate that prices will decrease by two digits, unfortunately, everyone’s salaries will also be reduced simultaneously by two digits around the world. Starting from August 2025, a two-digit lower standard of living will begin. Is this forced by the IMF? No, this reset was agreed upon by everyone to stop the collapse of currencies.
= The Harshness of the Great Reset =
For one week, all buying and selling will be prohibited worldwide. Martial law will be declared in each country, with the military deployed to enforce the ban on transactions. / Soldiers and police will patrol, armed, to monitor for businesses operating. / As buying and selling are prohibited, food will be distributed by the military./ Airports will be closed./ Trains will stop nationwide./
Cars will also be banned (only logistics for medical supplies will be allowed)./ Banks, which had quickly resumed after the solar flare on July 20, will once again be closed, along with ATMs./The financial markets will remain down.
Phone calls will be entirely prohibited. Even calling apps and emails will be banned for one week./ The internet will be shut down around the world to completely ban online trading. Can you imagine? / Only TV broadcasts will be available. The Great Reset will be a week during which the only information you can access will be through TV. Through TV, governments and the IMF will communicate instructions to the entire world.
= Liberation from the Great Reset =
After August 21, prices worldwide will be 2 digits lower than they were in peaceful June. A new house, which once cost $700,000, can now be bought for $7,000. A new car, which once cost $30,000, will now be available for $300. Rent, which was $2,000, will only be offered at $20, regardless of whether the landlord is an individual or a corporation.
After the Great Reset, salaries will also be reduced to 1% of what they were. The monthly wage, which was $4,000 until June, will unfortunately drop to $40 after the Reset. This is an request from the IMF, and the reset has been formalized by the 200 governments into law. While it’s fortunate that all prices have fallen to 1%, the savings and assets you hold are now only 1% of what they were in peaceful June. So, even if you try to sell something at a higher price, no one in the world will be able to afford it. This is a situation we must face.
= The Aftermath in August and September =
May and June were the preludes with light damage from solar flares. The solar flare on July 20 was the fatal blow to the world. Even after the major event of the Great Reset, (since this is framed as a natural disaster), small-scale solar flares will occur several times in late August and September as an aftermath. However, let’s laugh together at the subsequent aftermath flares. After the Great Reset, when the governments have accomplished their goal of repaying debt at one-hundredth of the original value, the aftermath flares are all beneficial. In the aftermath flares, many bank records will be erased, and the currency volume will be reduced, causing the previously plummeting currencies to rise sharply and start returning to their original value. The aftermath flares post-Reset will only affect, strangely enough, the banks. They will drastically reduce the excess currency printed last year, bringing their national currencies back to normal. The governments will say, “This is a natural phenomenon. It was a natural disaster.”
= Late 2025 =
After the warning period set by NASA (October), there should be no more solar flares. This great chaos will likely subside by the end of 2025.
2026 will be a year without taxes worldwide: This is my reasoning. Even if people want to file taxes, it will be impossible because the data will be erased. With a 99% probability, 2026 will likely be a year without taxes worldwide.
The drop in prices that occurred in August 2025, which was a two-digit decrease, will not be the end of it. Deflation will continue into 2026 and 2027. The final goal of politics, which is to maintain “permanent deflation” until 2050, will last for 25 years. Why? The purpose is to drastically reduce the value of goods and make the 8 billion people give up ownership rights. The third goal of this plan is to have people surrender their homes to the government as payment in kind.
Great Awakening! Clear vision. No brain fog.
▼Antenna Blog NBB
“Your wealth will be reduced to 1 % on July 20,2025.(FORESIGHT),defense & deterrence“
url : https://wwbb.me/us/nbb/20july2025/

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